Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Failure to thrive

Both personally and professionally I am seeing this more and more: listless 20-somethings suffocating under a mountain of student debt and unable to establish any kind of career track. And, what's worse, the longer they (we) face indecision and rejection, the less the desire is to do so. We are turning into a generation of hipster barristas, life-long students, professional volunteers, and International English teachers. The one thing that's uniting us all is how completely clueless and hopeless we are regarding our futures.

HOWEVER, rejoice! All is not lost! We have our parents spare room and the internet so no matter how uncertain our futures may seem, at least our present is secure. That and the schadenfreude make life pretty ok.


  1. Katie . . . are you a hipster barrista now?

  2. Not that cool. Just a wanna-be Target Starbucks barrista. Ahem, also: 3am?

  3. heyyyy...sad to say I have been/am several things on that list...and just the other day my dad jabbed me about long-term ambitions. Oh KTB, what to do in life??? I've fallen into your sterotype!!!
