Friday, August 6, 2010

First blog post

As a rule I hate firsts. They are either boring and stupid or awkward and painful. Think about it. First day of school? Boring. First kiss? Awkward. Keep thinking of firsts, and I'm fairly confident you'll find I'm right. Unfortunately, first things also all have one other thing in common: they are inevitable.

Hence, I give you the first blog post. Awkward and painful for me, boring and stupid for you, inevitable for all. I don't have much else to say by way of introduction except to tell you that this blog is meant to chronicle all of the crazy stories of my life, both old and new.

I might seem quite ordinary on the surface, but for some reason I attract the crazy. Nearly everywhere I go and everything I do manages to have a hint of the absurd in it. I have a strict no-pride clause so I often share my misadventures with whoever will listen, firmly believing the folly of one can easily serve as the delight of another. I'm here to facilitate that. So, read on if you are brave of heart and strong of spirit. Hopefully my stories can entertain you and show you you are far from alone in this preposterous and delightful world we call home.

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