Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Look What I Can Do! home edition.

Today was a very productive day. I went to work, and once that was over and done with, I really got down to business. First up on the agenda: Put up some freakin decorations! I have a bad habit of not decorating my place, largely because I'm never convinced of how long I'm going to be somewhere and I: a. don't want to waste the effort and, b. don't want to falsely commit through my window dressing.

As part of my continued effort to live boldly, I decided to heck with it! I shall hang a picture! After all, I did already paint the room, I might as well put something else on the walls. Here's what happened:
It's probably way too much for my bedroom, and that potpurri on the shelf is the one I have to put on my balcony every night because its smell is too strong, so I ultimately will probably end up changing it BUT, just the mere feat of hanging those dang shelves straight made me feel pretty good, so I think I'll revel in that for a while. RUNON! (the painting is NOT mine. It's a print of 19th century Germanic Painter Caspar David Friedrich

After this triumphant endeavor with a screwdriver, I headed out to the trail on this unseasonably 70degree late-October day for some roller blading. Now, being a young single female has taught me to take certain precautions when I go adventuring. This is the message I left certain key individuals:

Click "Unabridged" to read the rest. Incentive: there is at least one moment where my pride is threatened and shame is escalated.
The first thing I noticed as I crawled onto the trail (I'm good at going forward on a smooth surface on rollerblades, I haven't yet mastered much else), was how pretty and autumnal everything looked. Leaves and twigs were strewn all across the trail and the late-day sunlight filtering through the remaining leaved-limbs made for a picturesque aerobic workout. 

The second thing I noticed was that wet leaves and sticks make for a very harrowing rollerblading experience and I spent my time on the trail trying to guess when I was going to bite it and lose my face on the asphalt. AMAZINGLY- this did not happen. However, I was spending a lot of time marveling at the leafy beauty all around me. Which is why this happened:
Ok, in the next post I will give you a brief history of my over-precautious histrionics. Get excited! Until then, pretty pictures from my trail blade/run today! 

1 comment:

  1. I will never read this again. It makes me miss you even more!!!!!

    Seriously though- Hilarious! I'm addicted now. Remember what happened with Groupon? You need to stop pointing me to websites. :)

