Thursday, December 23, 2010

Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!

Holy cow! I didn't know until I tried to sign in just now, but apparently my site was down for a couple of days due to a Security Breech. Google totally freaked out and texted me an access code and made me change my password so I can better fight off the internet ninjas next time. Luckily, it doesn't seem as if anything has been disturbed here.

I do have an update I want to make (one with DRAWINGS!), but I felt this warranted its own post first, largely because it's so unprecedented. I mean, I realize thousands of people have online security issues everyday, but I never have and google is typically so solid about these things. Ah, well. So it goes. Look forward to a post by the end of the week!


...for real guys, it's me.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

I have a confession to make...

But it's only part-time! I swear!
So, I might have recently began barista training at Starbucks. At a Starbucks inside a Target. Double corporate sellout? It feels like it sometimes.

I mostly did it because in my real job I don't always get to see people and I miss the human contact. I also wanted to pay off as much of my student loans as I could before I went gallivanting off to incur more. So, basically I'm doing it for fun, which, according to some of my friends, apparently makes me strange. 

It is a strange place to be when you're working alongside people who have retail as their main source of income or their full time job. Not that their jobs are any more or less valuable than mine, believe me that is not what I mean to imply. It's just an interesting work dichotomy when there are part-time, full-time, salaried, and hourly employees all essentially doing much of the same job function, but approaching it all very differently. 

I guess what I'm really trying to say is, I'm just like everyone else. Which is awesome, considering some people are predicting all of us to be another lost generation. Looks like I'm right on track!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

GRE Update

Take that GRE. KAPOW!
FYI, I did finally study and subsequently take the GRE. It was a harrowing process, but in the end I got where I needed to be. I scored in the 94th percentile in verbal, in about the 50th percentile in Quantitative, and in the 92nd percentile in Analytical Writing. Luckily, I have no desire to be a scientist or mathematician so hopefully those scores will still get me into my program of choice.

I am somewhat embarrassed that I essentially failed at basic math, especially when you consider this score was over 100 points higher than my Quantitative score before. But let's focus on the positive! I know a lot of useless words. Hurray!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Powerhouse former SOS Madeleine Albright: AKA a freakin banner day for ktb

OK- this post might have been originally drafted a month ago, but then seriousity took place and I've been MIA. Much longer than that week I promised too. Apologies about that, but I promise I will now be posting at least once a week. You know, for the masochists among you out there who enjoy this sort of drivel. Ok, on to the super-delayed post...

Madeleine Albright was speaking today at Marian College and one of my co-workers invited me to go over our lunch hour to watch. Having been suffering from a persistent headache for three days now, I nearly declined, but, trying to live in step with my YOLD goals, I rallied and agreed.

Madeleine Albright is remarkable. She's brilliant, one of the best statespeople of our time but she's also completely accessible and engaging. She mentioned a personal goal of wanting to "Make foreign policy less foreign" and her own efforts toward that end are apparent in her speaking style. She's also modest. After her introduction she entered the stage thanking the host for introducing her, noting that people didn't always know who she was. She then recounted a recent episode where she was in an airport "undressing for TSA" so she could get back to the states.

A woman in the security line behind her asked her where she got her travel bottles with the screw lids. Albright told her she got them at the Container Store and continued organizing her belongings on the conveyor. She then stepped up to the metal detector when the security guard looked up and exclaimed, "It's you!" The man was overjoyed, he was from Bosnia and totally flipped out. He told her how without her there would be no Bosnia and held up the entire line so he could get a picture with her.

When she was finished, she continued on through security and the woman behind her asked, "What was that all about?"
Albright answered "Oh, I used to be Secretary of State."
The woman, still confused, asked, "Of Bosnia?"

Ok, that's all for now. More soon though, I promise!